10 Things I Learned While I Was In College

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As you may know, I recently graduated with a Bachelors degree in June. I’ve talked about my journey to graduation in this blog post, “Road To Graduation.” While I was in college, living in an apartment by myself, I realized many things about myself, life, faith and obviously, my course work as well. You might need these reminders as you grow, if you are just starting your college life, are already in college or in your young adult phase. I want to share some of these tips with you so that it can be useful during your college experience.

1. Make a schedule to do your assignments. 

Make a note to yourself in your calendar, phone or notebook of when you complete each assignment or make time to study. Do it a day before so that you don’t stress the day of. If know you have somewhere to go or something to do that week, make sure it doesn’t interfere with your study time. Schedule your study time around the event. Never skip it. It will make you lose track.

2. Don’t procrastinate. 

Wasting time is addictive. Don’t put off tasks until the last minute. Don’t make decisions for temporary pleasure that will have future consequences. Have a checklist so that it helps you accomplish all the things you need and also to make sure that you don’t forget to complete them. You can also treat yourself whenever you complete a few things on the list to keep you motivated. 

3. Have a good friend circle. 

Make friends that encourage you and help you move forward toward your goals. Avoid negativity. It’ll drain you and keep you stuck. 

I have had friends in my first semester who would always find fault in what I did and made me feel like there was something wrong in each of my projects. Those negative comments would make me feel afraid to create new things and of what other people outside my friend circle would think. However, I also had friends who would always encourage me and help me do things differently and in a better way. Their positive and encouraging words, as well as their constructive criticism, helped me create bigger and better projects to influence others as well.

4. Find your passion. 

As you grow and build values, you also discover a lot of things about yourself. Discover a passion that keeps you motivated mentally. Eventually, it can lead you to your career path. Keep the creative juices flowing. I saw a post on Instagram that said, “Find three hobbies you love: one to make you money, one to keep you in shape and one to be creative.” Discover your passion while learning about yourself in the process.

5. Run your own race. 

Don’t compare yourself with others. Don’t do things because others do it. There may be expectations set for you by your parents, society, and peers but more than that, God has a unique plan for you. Live out the purpose set for you by God. It may not be the same as everyone else’s but it will be the perfect plan just for you. So no matter what your journey looks like, keep walking in it. As you trust God, He will work out everything in your life and make it come out for good.

6. Find your faith. 

Develop your real and personal relationship with God. Many times we rely on the experiences and beliefs of others to shape our faith. During this time, it's important to build our own set of values and shape our beliefs through the word of God.

7. Discover God for yourself. 

As we read the Bible and understand the truths, we get to know who God is and build a relationship with Him by talking to Him each day. Through our own experiences, God will become a reality to us, being so close to us as a friend. So hold on to Him and His promises. It will help you overcome whatever obstacles that may come your way.

8. Don’t cut off your parents. 

Call them at least once a week to check-in. Sometimes, we get so caught up in our own life, friends, and college work that we forget our parents. Sometimes, a simple “Hi, I’m doing good,” is enough to keep them from being worried.  So call them once a week and let them know that you're okay.

9. Know your worth and don’t settle for less than what you deserve. 

In this young age, sometimes we crave attention from people just for a little satisfaction. We might need people to treat as good as we are or as good as we want them to be and that doesn't always work out. Instead of feeling insecure and worrying about what other people think of us, it's always important to remember who you are. Remember that you are a child of God and that He has created you in His own image. You are precious in His sight and you are worthy. So whenever you feel low and unloved, remember that you are loved by the Almighty God, the maker of heaven and earth.

10. Cherish every moment 

Enjoy each moment because it’s all over before you know it.  4 years might feel like a lifetime when you first start college but before you know it, you'll be walking off that stage with a degree in hand. So enjoy your college life and cherish every moment. Create memories with your friends, eat with them, play with them, study with them, pray with and for them. Take a lot of pictures and remember this for a lifetime.

So, discover your passion, create meaningful friendships and walk in the plan that God has for you. Here’s a video I’ve linked, where I talk more about my experiences in college. Check it out and I hope it encourages you! Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel, “Stellazlife” on YouTube, where I share more about the Christian lifestyle of an every day, follower of Christ.

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